Family afternoon

Cawson ni prynhawn hyfryd gyda Richard, Steph, Sam a Daniel. Daeth pawb â bwyd i rannu a chawson ni pryd o fwyd fawr iawn gyda chig llysiau, creision, cracydd, caws, dips, siocled a thoesenni. Ar ôl cinio aethon ni allan i'r ardd oherwydd bod yr haul yn disgleirio ac roedd e'n teimlo cynnes. Wnaethon ni dangos planhigion i Sam a'r lle lle dyn ni'n credu bod draenog yn fyw.

We had a lovely afternoon with Richard, Steph, Sam and Daniel. Everyone came with food to share and we had a very large meal with vegetables meat, crisps, crackers, cheese, dips, chocolate and doughnuts. After lunch we went out to the garden because the sun was shining and it felt warm. We showed Sam plants and the place where we believe that a hedgehog is living.

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