Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

That’s better

After yesterday’s enforced idleness and unpleasant close encounters of the toilet kind, today was much better and come dusk almost normal. We even managed a candlelit supper.

You can’t beat an old fashioned stick of wax In a redundant booze bottle. When I was a kid it was often Mateus Rose’ which turned from sixties chic to seventies tat faster than you can say Pink Frizzanti. But the real art was getting the wax down the side of a raffia covered chianti bottle. That looked like something straight out of a low life baccaro in south London. Mind you my brother once heard someone in a pub ordering a glass of Camembert Sauvignon... Can’t beat that.

I actually had the energy to do some stuff around the house and garden today. Plus a couple of friends dropped in out of the blue for tea and we had a very pleasant time talking cats, politics and mutual acquaintances. So much better than yesterday’s wasted day.

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