RSPB Fowlmere...

I went over to RSPB Fowlmere for a little while to see if I could get a decent goose shot... it was quite quiet and apart from this photo all the flying was too far away to make a decent shot.

Geese are pretty good at landing on water so I wonder why they always seem to look so worried about it.

On the way home I photographed a tractor and drill sowing spring barley on the field opposite us in Linton. A very satisfying scene since very recently a quite aggressive planning application for 95 houses was formally dismissed at appeal. The recent archeological survey showed that this land has been farmed for as long as there have been farmers and hopefully it will go on being farmed for many years to come. 

John Deere 8400R and Väderstad Rapid A 600S drill sowing spring barley in Linton.  (extra)

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