Seen on our walk

Today’s Mono Monday topic is Words. I had another blip in mind, which I might well do tomorrow if inspiration fails me.

Is this right? Should it not be “independence”? Or “This term’s value is to be independent”. They’re on a run with this. One term it was Resilient.

Mind you, I’m in dodgy ground criticising SPG, (Spelling Punctuation and Grammar) as it is not my best quality and I’m grateful for Susan in pointing out all my errors (and not just in SPG)

A lovely morning, out for a walk. At the allotment in the afternoon, thinning out and removing redundant raspberries canes and generally lightly pruning things to get a bit of shape. Most probably not the best time. Cleared the strawberries of accumulated detritus. Still lots to do and a poor week forecast.

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