St.Anna's Well

aka Stanger Spa

This has been on my well radar for some time but today was the day.
The van needed a good run to charge the battery after it's winter spa retreat so what better than to take it to another spa?

The first extra is of my first glimpse after much uncertainty about being on the right track. I usually start out with low expectations especially as so many wells are lost, particularly in places like this in the heart of farmland. At this point after trudging across fields I was still unsure but already it had 'a feel' about it. There's something peculiar when you actually do arrive. I don't know if it's what we bring to these places or if it's something that they have instilled into the air but there is a quality of air and time that has an otherness to it.

This is thought to be a holy well that became a spa well. It has an extremely rich mineral salt composition.

A link here.

Last extra - a quick look at Crummock Water.

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