Do not disturb

Titchy Cat's latest routine is to come over at about 8pm, eat, drink, nap, and then about 11ish go back out to the golf academy, where she lives, presumably under a bush. I would love to see more of her, but she never did take to our house move last November. Last night she kept to her usual routine, but then in the night we had a terrific electrical storm right over our heads, causing the power to trip out and involving claps of thunder so loud, it was impossible to sleep. The rain was hammering down too, and I imagine Titchy Cat was forced to share the bush she was sheltering under with several other cats, all keen to get out of the wet. I imagine there was a bit of pushing, shoving and hissing, as all of the stray cats on resort were hankering for the driest spots, and at one point Titchy must have thought to herself "oh, hang on, I actually have a home", so turned up, meowing loudly to be let in some time in the small hours. She was absolutely soaked so I dried her off with a towel, and she eventually crawled under our bed and snuggled down on top of this bag. She is still there now at 5pm - I keep checking on her to make sure she is happy, and she greets me with a big purr! I do wish she would just move here.

Goodness, using the flash really shows up the dust under your bed!

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