By AMK49

New York

Very early start this morning to catch a plane at Edinburgh bound for Newark - we are en route to Texas but due to flight changes making our connecting flight impossible we decided to have a short stop over and fly tomorrow,

This of course gave us the opportunity to visit central New York so we boarded trains and arrived at the World Trade Centre. We were last here the year after 9/11 so we were keen to see the amazing memorials created from the vast crater in the ground that we last saw. We noticed that some of the names inscribed had a rose beside them ( extra) and then read that this is always done on the birth date of the person.

We then braved the cold to walk to the Brooklyn Bridge and part way across it - this also proved to be popular with crowds of people doing the same as us. One of my memories from our previous visit was the steam coming out of pavement manholes and the blip shows this as an even more spectacular cloud of steam bubbling out of a hole in the road at Broadway- Mrs AMK can be seen in her woolly hat and gloves - it was even colder than Scotland but hopefully Texas will heat us up tomorrow when we visit our youngest son , his wife and of course our little 3 year old granddaughter- probably the main reason for granny’s desire to make another visit to Austin.!

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