knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Fingers of fluff

Here's a bit of a sampler scarf I've been working on for the weaving class I'm teaching tomorrow.
It's been quite good fun playing about with my little rigid heddle loom. I've taken some of the ideas of things I've been doing at college with some other techniques and it's been interesting seeing the differences between how this little loom works compared with my bigger looms.
Hopefully the class will enjoy tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it.
It's been really cold here today. I went for a nice walk with my friend and Gonzo this morning. Then I've been faffing about with looms and things for most of the day.
There's a zombie and a ninja playing with lego upstairs before they have to head out for their 45 minute school disco (crazily short time).
Think I might do some spinning this evening to relax, although tempted to cast on a hat as really need it with this cold wind.

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