Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

The Apple of my Eye

is staying for a week, so pancakes and Finding Nemo were on the menu for breakfast.

I am bringing her to the tennis club for a game which mostly involves hitting the balls in all directions and giggling. After an hour we will be both exhausted - then down to Dun Laoghaire for a pier walk - lunch in the little sushi bar near the People’s Park and then coffee (pour moi) in the Park.   Then we will go to the cinema to book our tickets for the big opening of the new Wes Anderson film tomorrow Isle of Dogs.   We might drive down to Bulloch Harbour then and sit for a while and chat and survey our lovely coastline here.

A lovely day beckons. The sun is shining in South Dublin. I hope you all have a good day - go eat some pancakes, you know you want to

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