Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Even the pumpkins are chili!

I'm so full of the cold it's unreal, absolutely no energy to go and find a blip today, so this will have to do folks.

This afternoon we visited a friend and her boys who also home-ed. C. has an allotment and loves to grow her own veggies, I commented on how lovely this chili looked sitting on a plant on her window sill in the kitchen, and she very kindly offered it to me, so looking forward to adding it to my meal tonight, I love hot & spicy food - might help clear the sinuses too!

On the way home, stopped at the shops for a few odds and ends. Aiden has been nagging for a pumpkin since last Halloween, so today was the day I made a point of getting one and we shall attempt to carve our very first pumpkin for Halloween sometime over the weekend. I can tell you it wasn't fun carrying this plus the shopping home (weighs a ton)!

Supposed to meet up with someone from the ZAUK Group (South Africans in Scotland FB Page) tomorrow for coffee but the way I'm feeling now I've had to cancel. Sorry D.

It's freezing out there too, so I think the heating will be going on tonight.

Blaine's (my 13yr old) first ebook is now live on Amazon, and selling for 0.77p if anyone is interested in downloading it for a read. It would appeal to people who are very into poetry or writing, as there is some really deep stuff there, so if any of you are interested let me know, I'll send you a link.

Have a great weekend everyone! :-)

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