Life in the old dog yet, quite literally...

The extra should have been today's blip, but Pushka stole the show....

Too much work in the garden this morning but glorious to be out in just a t-shirt. Then some errands, but decided to détour en route home to Fox's Pulpit and have a wander with pooch.
Roused from her slumbers in the back of Prince she seemed keen, but even the one contour climb onto a little ridge made her slow to a crawl.
Atop the ridge the view was grand and the land level, but the lead did not move. Pushka lay still on the ground behind me.

As I approached I could see she was gently breathing, but totally unresponsive, even to an ear tickle (only full Team IttH members are allowed to touch the ears). Nothing would rouse her.
I know the day is coming when we'll say au revoir, but Im not ready yet. I sat a good while stroking her and talking to her, I even lay next to her for a while, hoping she knew I was there.
Eventually I roused myself and thought how I was going to pick her up and take her home. I took off her lead and got to my knees.... which point Pushka literally lept to her paws, headed butted me squarely on the nose, and took command of the nearest high ground, from whence she looked at me like I'm the daft one.

I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, but it's things like this that make us love her so.

Philosophy Friday (one day early...)
Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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