
By CleanSteve

Goat willow, aka pussy willow (Salix caprea)

The rain was fairly relentless ever since the late morning. Helena got caught in a deluge on her way home form the oldie's cinema session. I stayed indoors at my desk whilst somewhat off topic.

Late in the day the sun shone so I nipped outside the back door to blip the pussy willow flowers which were glowing in the setting light. I could just see the rain drops  stuck on some of the flowers although these pictures don't really show it.

Our garden birds love this tree which is outside our bedroom window, In the morning I sip tea in bed and watch the pairs of bullfinches in particular as they nibble at the fresh new growth of the buds. They are only just beginning to open so we'll be able to enjoy them for a few weeks before the emerging green leaves take over and obscure the views.

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