
My Lungwort plant faithfully comes back every year. I was photographing  these small blue flowers; I really like that little forest on the top of the rock.  If you want to see the more of the Lungwort plant, look at the Extra shot.

Today was a wonderful day. I hired someone to come clean my house; she was very likable and she did a good job. I will be having her back to help me again! BUT before she got here, my dishwasher flashed a "F1" error.......Oh NO!!! ..... but a quick check on the internet and I was able to find the problem and fix it. I was very impressed with myself. Then I decided to do some mending with my sewing machine UNTIL the thread simply seemed to be stuck....Oh NO!.....usually I would have packed it up and taken it to the repair shop. But I wanted to I took it apart and I fixed it. Wow......I am now really impressed with myself.   :-)))  LOL

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