Hector's House

By MisterPrime

Poppit Sands

Having a few days in Wales for half-term, in a caravan just down the coast from Cardigan at the delightfully named Poppit Sands. A bit of a long haul over, but we broke the journey at a small town called Kerry, in Montgomeryshire. According to family legend, Beck's 5xGreat Grandma, Mary Vincent (ne Humphreys), set out from here in the early nineteenth century to walk to London because she'd heard the streets there were paved with gold. It turns out that Kerry is at one end of a series of drovers' paths (including the Kerry Ridgeway) that were used for precisely that journey at the time so the story's probably at least based in fact (as many of her Big Grandma's weirder stories turned out, co-incidentally, to be.) Unfortunately thick fog obscured much of the ridgeway today and we had to content ourselves with a mooch round the churchyard instead. Things cleared up a bit afterwards, though and we even saw hints of a sunset later on when we took the dog out to chase stones on the beach...

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