Whoosh, Easter Bunny racing by-Zoef de (Paas)haas

Happy Easter to all celebrating, here's hoping April will be warmer than March. It's a cold Easter and any Easter Bunny would try to keep warm by racing even harder than usual !  In The Netherlands the Easter Bunny is an Easter Hare (Paas Haas) and I grew up in the time that there was a children's program on tv called the 'Fabeltjeskrant' which had a puppet called Zoef (Whoosh) de Haas (the Hare), a hare wanting to be the fastest animal of all. All of this to explain my Dutch pun and the ICM image of our easter eggs whooshing by :-)

Thanks very much for all the Abstract Thursday entries last Thursday, I'm guessing I didn't make it easy with the 'capricious' theme, although I hope you did have fun. Sigh of relief then for this coming Thursday, first Abstract Thursday of the new month, so no theme, a 'free to do whatever you want as long as it's a bit abstract and you had fun making it!' The tag will be AT145.

Here's my list of last Thursday's specials:
theBroon       Meerkat? No, I think it's Alice's caterpillar ! And real magic mushrooms!
admirer          For capricious ripples in the seawater
carolinav        For natural capriciousness
Donnawanna For the erratic yet lace-like pattern of a decaying leaf
evolybab        For  capricious weather and people multi-exposure

Thanks to everybody joining in, and please remember that having fun is the aim of these challenges, find the whole list of entries here

Right, I'm now off to the kitchen for the Easter Sunday dinner, just the two of us tonight :-) Thanks very much for the comments and stars for yesterday's Easter decorations line dance !

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