St Andrews

I took L back to uni today.

I thought I had plenty of fuel to get to Perth but the fuel gauge plunged to low end red disproportionately early. The on board calculator gave a range of 90 miles one moment then wouldn't display any anticipated range at all.
When you really have to drive with economy in mind it certainly improves how much tarmac you can cover with a given litre of diesel, albeit very slowly. On reaching Perth I didn't even risk going to the supermarket I had originally intended, insread the first services on Dunkeld Road. even though 3p dearer per litre. The top up cost a week's wages. With my mind sharpened to the possible economy offered by such modest pressure on the pedal I resumed the journey to Fife and the return home in a similar mode. It only added 10 minutes and in truth made for a more relaxed trip.
L resumes classes in the morning and awaits results from a pre-break test. It was nice to have him home for a while and we think he has his summer job sorted out too.

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