
Went out for an extended blip-wander at lunch time with StevieFish, who convinced me to trek up Carlton Hill, rather than go for our usual trudge along George/Princes Street. And what a great idea it was of SF's - the light was amazing today, especially from atop Carlton Hill. I managed to get what I think may be some decent city-scape pics, however I am far too tired/drunk to edit & upload them at this hour, so perhaps I shall get around to it tomorrow.
The drunkenness can be explained by way of being invited to Browns on George Street to partake in some free drinks and nibbles to celebrate something or other (I think it was some anniversary of Browns). The timing couldn't have been better, and allowed me to celebrate for free, so I had a glass of champagne, three cherry martini cocktails, some other cocktail that I can only describe as tasting like a Drumstick lollipop, two glasses of red wine and a gin & tonic. All on a school night.

Also, if any other Lightroom users are reading this, and can explain why all my exported images seem to have a weird ghosting effect, please feel free to let me know, as it is somewhat annoying. StevieFish suspected I had the "clarity" setting ramped up too high, but I have since ruled this out.

* Rambo-style power box
* I saw the crescent...

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