
By Topsyturvy

More Poppy love

Dear old Poppydog loves it when you're down at the correct level to provide infinite strokes and she really couldn't care less about pins and scissors and leaving fur and worse over your quilt top. It's very sweet but a little aggravating! My fault really as I'd moved 'her' sofa and she didn't quite know where to park herself.

I know it's another Pd blip but apart from getting minor housework done this was today's project and that's it. LH weathered the horrid rain to walk the dog, we ate leftovers from yesterday (I do love leftovers) and I scrambled around on my hands and knees getting this quilt tacked ready to take north soon. The plan is that it's ready for Dad's 90th birthday in August as it's partly made by my late Mum (the four patch blocks) and partly made by myself (the rest!). I really am going to have to get on with it and drop other hand quilting stuff!

We've had a good Easter break but have so much to fit in before we go. We really need the weather to let up so we can get some garden basics sorted ... anybody got some sunshine stashed away that they can send this way? .... please!!

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