horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Triple Word Score

Another day, another dollar. I'm getting completely fed up with work again. It's not actually, for once, that anything is going wrong, but just that a deep malaise of malcontent is setting in as I realise time and again that what I do really is of no consequence. It's not as if it particularly helps anyone (other then being a go-between for two companies to add to their profits) and there's no real satisfaction.

If I write an article that someone heaps praise on (as happened this week); design and run a website that people think is the work of a conglomerate; take a photograph that people want to buy. It all feels like I'm adding something and getting some recognition. Draft a damned good contract, and even if someone does say it's great it just isn't the same...

Psychologically I've got a lot riding on something going on with my cycling website at the moment. Not precisely make or break, but there's 'stuff' which could happen, and it's made me realise even more than I really knew already what I really, really, REALLY want to be doing with my life. It's such a small step, but there are a few massive barriers in the way that need to be surmounted.

So a night at the Sheep Heid pub quiz was in order. Given there were only two of us in our 'team', and the fact we spent half the time playing Scrabble, a 4th place finish wasn't too shabby, although being in 3rd place until a catastrophic last round tempered the joy (we would have won a prize!).

Oh, and I've found another whisky that tickled my fancy. On Iain's recommendation (the friend who formed the other half of the team) I sampled an Ardbeg. And rather good it was too.


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