
By Appreciation

Mickey Mouse, he came to my house, I asked him what he wanted?
'A piece and jam and thankyou mam' and that was all he wanted.

We used to sing this to the kinder when they were small.

Look who popped home for a few days. We are very lucky that she has choosen to study somewhere that is commutable. I believe she came home to eat, study and sleep relatively easily, and in that order. She also needed to find some costumes for the Halloween parties coming up. Apparently you can make Minnie Mouse into something a bit less mortal and more freaky.

She is having such a fantastic time that it is difficult to think that this was the girl who really wasn't sure she was ready for the big world.

I am surprised by my need to completely (s)mother her when she is home, and so she has left with her clothes laundered, her belly and suitcase full of food, her skin softened, her eyebrows plucked (well it's nearly halloween) and herself squeezed to within an inch of her life.

I wanted to capture the beautiful sun today and to intentionally have a bit of flare in the shot. I didn't achieve quite what I wanted and find myself more than a little frustrated with my knowledge these days, but that is good, it shows a will to learn more.

Bond last night was quite wonderful with many surprises and new twists which cleverly unfolded. I will say no more.

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