twinned with trumpton


Awakened again by sun at 7; but less inclined to laze about so I went and did the dishes and resurrected the stove so it was crackling away nicely. But slowly she roused herself, had an al fresco breakfast out the wind and in the sun, Then we packed up and come 11 we rolled on down the hill to the Hope and boarded the ferry. We sat atop the vessel and marvelled at the warmth. A flat calm crossing and within 5 minutes we'd loaded up the van and were off down the road. Lybster Occumster, Wick, Latheron, Dunbeath, Latheronwheel, Helmsdale, Port Gower.... We pulled in for fuel at Tain and realised I needed a manned petrol place so after a quick bargain Easter egg it was off to Inversnecky and a coffee to go with a tankful of diesel. 

Onwards we went; snow flurries at Slochd and increasingly the good day was disappearing as we got further south. Periods of silence, periods of old significant tunes, periods of chat. We gave up on a chip shop stop and after a nasty final 25 miles across Fife with snow beginning to lie, we struck a path to Asda; grabbed her a bunch of shopping before finally dropping her home in exchange for a kiss and a pile of laundry (I really must fit the new washing machine) and off I went. In around 9; washing on, bathed and a jacket potato and beans before although still wired my head hit the pillow and that was pretty much that.

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