nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn


I was very pissed off this morning.  I've been away from work for about a week and a half, although a lot of that is university closed-time anyway.  Some messy bugger had overfilled this waste solvent bottle so that it was backing-up in the funnel, and not content with that had sprayed whatever the messy stuff was all over the place.  In places the mess had dried up and crystallised so I have actually saved some of the material so that if I am motivated enough I can try and identify it and possibly find the culprit.

What bothers me the most is that these are supposed to be the next generation of Chemical Engineers.  Anyone behaving like this in a 'professional' lab (which we really should be, but I'm thinking of a large company) wouldn't last 5 minutes.

Happily the three students that I had booked in for training today were all lovely and more or less restored the balance.

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