The Old Man of Coniston

We set off in good time this morning, with a cloudless sky. Popped in at Roudsea Wood to find two Ospreys on their nest! A great sight.
Then on to Coniston and challenge #1 finding somewhere to park. Of course we had forgotten that it is still the Easter holiday and the first decent sunny day. However with a bit of creative manoeuvres we slotted in and set off up the Old Man, taking the southern, steeper route to help with our Canada prep. Half way up we were doubting our sanity, but Pepper led the way to the top. I have never seen so many people on a mountain ! However they were all there by their own efforts, and it was great to see so many children and families, and no one on their mobiles- although I have to admit to mine ringing!
The views from the summit are splendid with plenty of snow on the main Lake District range, and a clear view over to Ingleborough too. Rob's first time up this one, and we were both glad of our walking poles. Pepper thought we were taking it too slowly though....

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