Pixel H

By PixelH

Wildlife photographer....

....I am not. But it is an area i would like to try and get into.

Anyway, attempt number one. It was the RSPB garden Bird Watch. Perfect opportunity to get some wee fluffy long tailed tits, some blue tits, robins.....no. Not today.

Results as follows:
1 Robin
6 Starlings
1 Blue tit (in the next door neighbours garden but we reckoned it would have come into ours if I hadn't been pointing my camera at it)
1 Sparrow hawk.

The last one was real by the way. We didn't just make that up. I swear. It swooped in and onto the top of the house and was away again. Mental.

Anyway, i didn't manage to photo that. And I reckon the RSPB people will take one look at our results and throw them out thinking we're taking the mick.

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