Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Poor Annabelle has a touch of a chill verging on pneumonia. She's had some antibiotics and is in the nice dry shed with her mum and is wearing Dris's rug to keep her warm.

A cold big lamb at the feeding so brought it and it's mum in. After feeding I was just tucking into tea and toast and I looked out the window towards the lambing field. There was a new set of twins there. By the time I finished my toast one was not to be seen. I tagged up and headed to the field with Breagh. We caught the ewe and collected her lambs one of which was very weak and cold. And brought them into the shed. I tubed the weakest with colostrum and put them both under the heat lamp and did another sweep of the field to be sure there were no more cold lambs. All fine though. By lunchtime the lambs were on their feet and looking for milk from mum which is great. We also lost a lamb this morning due to the ewe getting stuck on her back while lambing so hadn't managed to get the lamb out. We lambed her and tried to resuscitate the lamb but it didn't make it. The ewe seems to be fine and we are lucky we didnt loose her The ups and downs of lambing.

8c wet most of the day with cold easterly wind.

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