Interlife 3

You know, sometimes in life it seems like there's no way out. Like a sheep trapped in a maze designed by wolves

Another early trip to B&Q for paint - this time the *right* colour. Then a long day of meetings and sporadic work. High point definitely Davey’s visit in the afternoon.

Owen makes great progress through the painting and we’re just screwing the dresser back in place as Claire and Megan arrive. The place is painted, but the job of putting everything back will wait till next week.

I cook a chicken curry and Megan introduces us to Hunt For The Wilderpeople - one of the best movies I’ve seen for ages.

Claire and I settle in for an early night, when a call from Dave T reminds me that tonight is Angus’ club night. I shower, dress, pack, and head into town. I drop some sound kit off at the club before heading down to Rachel & Gilbert’s where we sip sophisticated wine and enjoy civilised, if lugubrious, conversation.

Jumping an Uber to The Wee Red Bar, I join Dave T at the lighting desk. The other side of a camouflage net, dozens of youth gyrate to the sounds cued up by Angus, Ferdi, and Lewis. We sit sedately, bar-side, where the music is slightly attenuated and Spook’s customer kaleidographics soothe and entertain.

I don’t stay till the end, wandering into the night and back down to the colonies before dawn. Before bed, Dave T and I exchange messages:

Me: I just kept walking
Dave: Look out, that's how folk fall off the edge of the earth
Me: Too late...
Dave: Always pack a parachute
Me: This advice was not flagged as 'useful'.
Dave: Get a better flag
Me: Give better advice.
Dave: Advice? I'm not the one falling off the world (get a grip seems appropriate somehow) :-)

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