
I've been trying to get a photo of this male Siskin for some time now, he is quite furtive and keeps in cover. He is also quite aggressive and drives the other birds off the feeder so there's no opportunity to catch him sitting on a perch waiting his turn... so quite pleased with this.

But there's more... for some reason and I can't explain why, I have held on to most of the photographic equipment I've ever had. Yesterday I was looking at some of it and got out the camera I used for this photo. It's a Canon EOS 1D Mk II, once a 'state of the art' professional's camera great for capturing action shots.  Now about 12 years old, it's 8 MP sensor and indifferent performance at ISOs above 400, no live view and tiny preview screen very firmly exclude it from anyone's wish list today. They can be had on E Bay for less than £100.

When it was at the cutting edge the photos taken with it were great and guess what... it can still take great photos!

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