SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto


I am keeping the same sketchbook that my AS Level kids are doing (hopefully doing!!!) I feel that it is a way to strengthen my skills, but will also be a resource and tool for other classes. I must admit that I am really enjoying it. Starting to bring back skills that I haven't used in years - namely drawing text and sketches, but it's coming along! I drew a bike the other day at a teacher training meeting. It was an engineer, carpenter, English and art teacher in my group and mine was terrible! Worst critic! So tonight, I started sketching in my book and this is the result. Not bad for first attempt!!

Today was a very slow day. Now Steve has this cold and in getting over it, we decided not to go to Brighton, but have a quiet wander in town and then have movie marathon for the rest of the day!

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