The Arthur Wesley

I had a special job to do this morning and that was take my friends to their boat and wave them off on their adventures. I may not see them again for many months as they have given up their jobs and are heading off for a while. They have not decided where to and for how long however tonight will be in Craighouse, Isle of Jura, tomorrow may be Fidden, Isle of Mull, then the small isles then the outer isles and after that Ireland or the med. In fact where ever they fancy depending on the winds.

I have added an extra of them rowing out so you can see their lovely boat in more detail.

I wish them safe voyage and I am glad to say I am not going as life on board is not for me However if anyone knows of a clever app I can use to track their progress please let me know.

Instead we went for a walk behind the house which should be lovely but is actually a sitka plantation and so it is not. The more Sitka I see them more I hate it.

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