Colourful Collaborations

Last night was toooouuugh...the last few have been especially bad with Nate...stretches of sleep no longer than one hour, sometimes only 10 minutes and a good dose of crying. He's got a cold AND teeth coming...a bad combo. 
We had church over in San An, met some really interesting people who were visiting...including someone hoping to work with the Roma community in Birmingham, my home city!
Then straight to Nick's to set up lights and blast through photographing 19 paintings ready to be reproduced onto canvas.
Home to edit as there's a rush, whilst Danny, the kids and Susanna went to a friend's for a BBQ.

I've also backblipped a phone snap for yesterday.

Drama of the day;
Realising church had ended about 45 minutes late and I was late to meet the guys for the photography. A horrible moment!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Coffee, strong coffee!
2) Meeting the guys from so good to talk with them.
3) The lighting kit.

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