A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Things to do!

So, before I start teaching in 9 days, there are a few things that need to get done:
I have to finish at my current work
I have to find my desk and office and get a bit settled for this new adventure. So move a bit away the books for the book I'm writing and make space for the books i'll use to teach
I also have to find clothes that fit me. See, for the past 7 months, I've been busy losing weight, and I've reached the rather pleasing 60-pound loss. Still a bit to go, but man that's good! So pants need to be bought.
The apartment could use a good clean up, but that will have to go after the last and most important item:
Figure out the reading list for the classes

Today being Saturday and the las 2 weeks having been quite eventful, I opted for items 2 and 3. I now have a pair of pants, a few tops, and a decent work table. And, it wasn't even on the urgent list but a girl has to get things done, I wrote a few postcards for the friends of the not-so-secret postcard society.

I'd say that's a good start, right?

Ps: I'm still smiling!

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