Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Unexpected house guest

Starting to feel a bit better but slept most of the ride over to the Tarangire National Park. While Mohamed checked into the park we were greeted by vervet monkeys in the car park.
Oliver's camp in one of the furthest camps away from the entrance which did mean we could do a game drive on the way to the camp, however it was a high speed version as we had to get there for lunch. On the way in we did manage to see common waterbuck, Warthogs, impala and some babies ones as well, wilder beast, guineafowl, reed bucks, saddle billed storks, giraffes, lots of elephants the most we have seen all holiday, 2 lionesses and a lion sleeping under a tree, banded mongoose, a snake eagle and a southern hornbill.
By the time we arrived at the camp I was feeling tired and so went to bed while the others had lunch. I woke up just in time to see an elephant come through the bush and stand on the back porch. He then decided to start to eat some of the tree that the tent was built around before heading over to John and Alison's tent next door. Apparently while John was watching the elephant on our porch he noticed a Black Mamba snake in the tree next to their tent. This is one of the most deadly snakes in the world. He was delighted as they had always wanted to see one. It takes all types I suppose!!
After having a bite to eat in the tent we went out on a game drive. The park is similar to the crater and Lake Manyara in that you have to stick to the roads / paths. The advantage is that the animals have become a bit more use to the jeeps and so don't run away so much when you drive by.
On the way around we saw dik diks, Von Der Decker hornbill, ostriches, lots of parades of elephants, impala, some banded mongoose sitting and hiding inside a termite hill, gas hawk, dwarf mongoose, kori bustard, warthogs, eagle owl sitting in a tree, brown snake eagle, and a secretary bird.
We also found a couple of cheetahs sitting on the edge of the plain sleeping as two warthogs came towards them. As the warthogs got closer they suddenly saw the cheetahs and flattered themselves to the ground. This seemed to be in a vain hope that if they couldn't see the cheetahs the cheetahs couldn't be seen. just like when a 2 year old cover themselves in a blanks so you can't see them, very funny especially as they left their tails sticking straight up. The cheetahs weren't interested in them but it was fun to watch the 10 minute standoff till the warthogs got a bit braver and started to move sideways away from them.
Mohamed noticed that the cheetahs were starting to lick their paws and have a wash. This is a sign that they were getting ready to hunt. Shortly after this, a small herd of wilder beast came walking along the plain which got their attention. One of the cheetahs got up and started to walk towards the front wilder beast while the other one hung back. It then singled out the last wilder beast, which was also the youngest one and attacked. The acceleration was phenomenal as it caught the wilder beast and brought it down. At this point its mother returned and charged into the cheetah kicking out at it and succeeded in chasing it away. Once the wilder beast was up and moving away the other cheetah attacked only to be chased off by the mother again.
A great thing to see and J managed to get it all on the cheap camcorder we had brought for the trip. Just to get this footage was worth the money spent.
Arrived back in camp and went of a shower to find a Genet sleeping on the sand leaning up against the porch.

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