The Coming

Coming to a street near me, this enormous complex of affordable housing with views over the Meadows to the Pentland Hills and the City.
It looks so complex in design, that I often wonder how the guys in the yellow hats know what to do. Do they have a plan like a knitting pattern in front of them as they hammer and construct?

There was excitement about midnight last night as a helicopter flew in low over the Dower House to land somewhere at the far side of the Meadows near Melville Drive.
The noise of its engines whilst on the ground continued for about half an hour before it took off again. Curiosity almost made me get dressed and brave the late hour to go and find out what was happening.
Was it an air ambulance or a police helicopter? I need to know.
Perhaps some Edinburgh blipper will be able to tell me.

My case is packed and I'm ready to roll.
Daughter #1 and I are off on a jaunt up to Elgin to stay with son #1 for 3 nights.
She and I are looking forward to communing with sea and sand at points along the coast from Findhorn to Buckie.

I was hoping that I could sit on a beach and allow the rhythm of the waves to let loose my inner creativity. Unfortunately I'm more likely to suffer hypothermia before this happens, given the forecast of low temperatures and rain.

Watch this space, I may not survive.

PS Acronymphomania has suggested the most likely reason for the helicopter - a transfer of a child to the Sick Kids Hospital. Why didn't I think of that?

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