All change

Up early and took Juno for a walk, it was a frosty morning and not many people around.

Back home and got everything ready for football, the last game of the season.

The coaches agreed not to make a great deal about it and leave it to the girls. Our last game was against our local rival, added spice that 5 of our team used to play there. Positive, positve was the nessage and what a fine performance from the team. A clean sheet from our keepers and 3 different scorers in a fantastic final performance.

Back home and eco daughter had invited 7 pals up for a party, so i headed to the allotment with Juno. Got a fire going to burn all the fruit bush cutting and took Juno out for a walk up the Dell. It was in fabby colour with the leaves.

Home to screaming girls, I hid in a room and read.

Eco mum took this as I was banned from the girly sessions.

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