
By Murrie194

Up, up and away - well yes and no!!

First of all, I'm sorry it's taken so long to catch up with my blips - and more importantly, with my fellow blippers.

Apart from the fact that it's been - as usual - a very hectic week since we got back, I'm always affected by jet lag when flying West to East. However, hopefully, I'm now back on track. Well almost.

After saying that the 'dinosaur' would be the last Florida blip, we had a bit more time that expected between checking out and heading to the airport.

I had always been going to take a trip in this tethered balloon and since this was my last chance, I grabbed the opportunity.

Took lots of photographs and this one shows the expanse of Downtown Disney from about 400ft up.

It really was a case of up, up and away .... away to the airport that is!!!

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