Walls and peace

So today, 20 years ago, the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement was made. For me this is a day to reflect on the last 20 years and for the lives saved because we took steps to say "never again".
In Belfast we have "peace walls", an ironic name for edifices never meant to have existed for more than a few months, maybe years. There are actually more today than when the peace agreement was signed. It is said locally that "high walls make good neighbours".
I believe that it is the inner walls that are the hardest to remove... walls created by bad experiences, trauma, hurt, loss, unresolved atrocities, unreturned bodies and so it goes on.
We need to ensure that we create space to allow those internal walls to begin the process of demolition. We need to support that process as well , as it is a journey and not a destination.
Long may peace drip among us. Long may peacebuilders continue their slow and painstaking work.

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