I don’t believe it

I was at Paddington in plenty of time for my train to Truro and all left on time.

A gentleman sat next to me and told me he was a photographer and had books published with his work, his latest one called Endangered, about endangered animals. He was on his way to Falmouth university to give two talks. One to photography students and the other to the science department. He said he would like to encourage a combination of art with science with regards to conservation and the well being of animals. When he popped off to get a sandwich, I quickly googled the book to find his name is Tim Flach.

Only last night Mr C was watching an old Live at the Apollo with comedian Rhod Gilbert telling a story about the refreshment compartment on trains. How they say the train chef is here but all they really sell is sandwiches. He went on and said he went to buy an egg mayonnaise sandwich but the chap wouldn’t sell it because it was the last one and he needed it on show (there is a point to all this...bear with) to show other customers what is available when they restock at the next stop. Of course, the story (joke) went on for a while with Rhod getting more and more animated as he went on..... Bringing you back to me on the train, when Tim came back (first name terms now :-D))) he said he had managed to get the last sandwich before they restock at Plymouth.... and yes, it was an egg mayonnaise.

He gave me this postcard of a Hungarian puli, from his book on dogs before we both got off at Truro. What a nice chap and not bad at photography too ;-))

Mum and dad picked me up. I gave dad the photo book I had made from our trip to Venice last year, he seemed quite chuffed.

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