BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Another Ferry ...

BackBlip 3/12 - 2005

... this one from Wischafen to Gluckstadt in northern Germany (up above Hamburg).

A good night on board the ferry - managed to get a single cabin (much more cheaply than pre-booking) - sailing was fairly smooth and arrived in at 10.00am.

Set off from the boat through 'immigration' - presented my passport and the German official studies it thoroughly, looks at me, looks at Baseball Bear and says .......

"Madam, I am sorry, the bear he will not be allowed in without a passport"

(being that kind of person I present (homemade) documentation for him)

- the official smiles .....

"but Madam, I am sorry the bear he will still not be allowed to travel" -

"Why?" I ask .....

"Madam, the bear he is not wearing the motorcycle helmet and it is the law in this country"

I produce his little baseball hat from my jeans pocket ....

"I am sorry, I could not get a helmet to fit over his ears, will this do?"

He smiles again ..... "Yes Madam, this will do for a bear"

Who says that Germans do not have a sense of humour ..... I smiled for miles!!!!

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