What's in a name?

Leucojum aestivum, the Summer Snowflake.   It don't feel much like Summer outside today ... not even Spring!  Another cold and grey one.   The common name is misleading perhaps as here it usually flowers in April, sometimes lasting into May.  It is at least much later than the Spring Snowflake .... which flowers in late Winter!

Dad's taxi was busy today as Jamie went into the city with a friend to see a movie at lunchtime.  In between I put in an hours hard labour on the allotment and had a tasty lunch with Jacinta.  

On the admin front, a call to the council tax folk might lead to a reduction ... might .... while a lengthy examination of our energy usage and the various 'best offers' led to a switch to Bulb Energy.  I kind of like the name - regular readers will understand why :-)  More importantly they really are able to offer us a good deal.  Some of the claims made about 'Great Deals' and 'Fixed Price Offers' can be misleading as they make assumptions about the split between gas and electricity usage.  After doing the maths using our old bills and readings I'm happy that this really is a good deal ... for the moment at least.  Think I've earned the evening off - what's left of it!

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