
By disdatdudda

what am i doing here?...


(warning:  not for the faint-hearted or those of a delicate constitution...so I won't include link to...protect you!?...this blip will self-destruct in one minute!...the exact time that he said he wanted to stay here...and ended up staying the night!...)

Sometimes I wonder who the fuck  I am
So I’ve been lookin’ in the mirror and it still don’t make no sense

(hmm double negative...in more than one way...and mirrors lie anyway...I always look amazing when I go shopping!...;-)

I’m askin’ what am I supposed to do?
I’ve done so much in my short lifetime, but I haven’t done shit much of value

I done flew around the whole world
(grammar issues...definitely and not accurate either...travelled extensively but ...

First I shook a million hands (hand-shaking is not something I do) and I took a million few pictures

But I’m a hostage in my own world
And my thoughts my own enemy, got no time for these bitches (aka thoughts)
I got too much  many calories on my damn mind
(thinking chocolate this very minute...)

What am I doing here
I wonder what am I doing here

What am I doing here

(please tell  me!?...)

I hope I do what I was meant to do (you can never be sure...)
Cause I’ve been searching for that answer, I just hope I get it now

And you don’t ever do too much if you could never do enough (!?)
What am I doing here

I wonder what am I doing here
(I repeat...)
What am I doing here
What am I doing here
(not again!?...)
Mac Miller

(verse 3 is rubbish so i'm ignoring it...)

(photo of my soon-to-be ex-friend...I asked  a serious question but...she just laughed!?...)

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