Nuggets, Seal Lions and Cathedral Caves

It rained all day today but we achieved a lot.
First of all we walked up to the Nuggets Point Lighthouse for a spectacular view of the “nuggets”. First extra.

Then we called in at Jack’s Bay and were lucky to see a couple of sea lions courting, or at least cavorting. Main blip.

We called at the tourist info at 4:15pm and asked when the tides were right to visit the Cathedral Cave in the next couple of days.
Turned out it was 6pm today and as it’s a 45min drive and then 30min walk we tossed up whether we should try for it.
Fortunately we did and it was spectacular.
Well worth the trip and apparently it’s now closed for the next 4 days so wouldn’t have had another opportunity. 2nd extra.

The alternative had been to have a bit of a rest afternoon inside due to the weather but when we did get back it turned out that there had been a 3 hour blackout! So lucky we weren’t here with no lights or heating.

Phil had prepared a lamb shank casserole and left it on slow simmer all day so that went down extra well with a bottle of merlot :-)

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