
The weather folk are predicting that Summer will arrive next week....did I miss Spring??  The morning was taken up with a walk to the Post Office with postcards and a birthday present to go, then I baked a fruit cake and fired off several important e-mails.  Do you know those occasions when you can't move on something because you need all the information, but you don't have all the information so you have to juggle folks asking for stuff you still don't have - one step forwards and two back!  Some e mails I'm dreading receiving because they may just say NO!

After lunch, Tony potted some of his veg seeds and I took a walk down to the garden centre for a card for an early newborn, welcome Alfie!! 

Predictably it has started raining so it must be a Hobblers night...

The elder tree was bursting with every kind of tit; the woodpecker; several siskins;  redpolls; a nuthatch; chaffinches so I got out the long lens, carefully opened the window to discover they had all gone..Daphne, the neighbour's cat was sitting beneath the tree.

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