Citaropram nights

One needs a great deal of idle time to feel really sorry for oneself.

A keynote relating software verification to topology. Nice pictures; interesting direction; Laurie Anderson style delivery. A good start to the day.

A late breakfast morphs into a long conversation, which in turn morphs into slide tuning in my room. I emerge after lunch to catch a smorgasbord of short presentations from Gail, Felix, Jim, and Ahto. A great mix of history and toilet paper.

The final session of the day doesn’t work for me. Pete is also in search of that satisfactory moment, so we retire to the bar. We talk work/life balance and explore the parameters of satisfaction.

Tonight’s lightning talks are more serious than previous nights. Kevlin kicks it off with a heartfelt personal story about mental ill health. There’s light relief from Timur, Jonathon’s rebuttal of the const-consistency argument, and Odin’s sub-atomic exploration of a real lightning talk. And we’re done.

Rob, Austin, and I swerve the speed chess and head into town for tapas. Messrs Wakely and Kuhl join us for a noisy, jolly feast of Spanish morsels and Argentinian red. PX and churros for afters. There’s a wonderful story about gcc, ABI, and “Schrödinger’s catch”.

Back at the hotel, we are welcomed warmly into bosom of the bar. There is an Irish hen party, dressed quite convincingly as nuns. A #include remake of Father Ted?

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