Songkran Report

Today we took our water guns and headed out.  The first lot of water hit us as we passed the local beer shop.  The next lot was courtesy of a local massage store.  It was good to be able to fight back.  The closer we got to the moat the more water hit us.  People on the back of small trucks had barrels of water and buckets, so they threw water over our heads.  Several people had Guns so we engaged in battles with them.  Some of the water was warm, some was icy cold.   We refilled our weapons from barrels by the road.  There was also lots of stalls selling food and water guns.  It was fabulous fun.  Hubby actually took the two shots through the car window this morning when he went to the shop for me.
 When we finally got home very wet, we got changed into our swimmers and spent another two hours playing water fighting and then ball with our young friends in the pool.  Several other adults joined in playing ball with us. 
 Both our young friends are leaving us.  The young boy goes back to Bangkok on Monday and the girl is moving to another condominium closer to where her mum works.  We will miss them. 

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