Taking shape

More work has been done on this large mural (see previous entries). Note the animal's eye is smaller than from a few days ago. I made a quick trip to Tucson today. It mostly went well.

My aunt has been fighting everyone in the family for a while. When Jill and I visited in December, she told lies about my mom (her sister-in-law) and was irrationally mad at her. Her two kids have disowned her, and a week before, she was fighting with my brother.

I didn't want to talk with her, but she lives with my grandpa and invited me in. Her untrained little poodle was barking and trying to bite me, so I lifted my foot to keep it away. It got scared and yelped, and she kicked me out. I took Grandpa to lunch, which was nice. The whole time, my aunt texted me saying nasty things to me and about my mom and brother.

I'm not going to go into more detail. I'm still upset. Suffice it to say, I have cut my aunt out of my life now.

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