
By HarrythePotter

Tidy Up.

Working on the weekend is not something I like but, sometime ago, I agreed to do one day a month for a local family.

Today was the day for them and I was asked to start by cutting the grass and tidying the front of 2 High Street cottages they own which are shortly going to be sold.

I never got beyond the cottages, the frontage of both are granite sets which have been ignored for a very long time so, apart from the grass, I spent the whole day scraping the Moss and weeds from the frontage.

Having finished I had the pleasure of taking Murphy to the groomers because his Mum was also at the hair dressers. He had an adventure because he was up front in the van with me.

I met the lovely lady from her appointment, she was looking gorgeous and we went for a coffee before collecting Murphy. The groomer found that he had a sore foot so he had to endure having it bathed in salt water when we got back.

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