
By sir_snickolas

Wondering, wandering

Up early and battling desire to stay in bed to go to the homeless project I used to be a part of a few years back, then an afternoon with LGBTQ Christians and an amazing speaker who really challenged me. Then round the corner for 35th birthday party of the Pink Singers, a community of LGBTQ people who come together and sing.

These scarves around trees in Euston (as a protest at how many trees in that area will be cut due to HS2) tie together both themes of comfort and challenge in each place I was today.

Glad to be able to help homeless guests but angry it is necessary - glad church leaders are starting to listen but angry that it has taken tragedies for them to take an explicitly inclusive stance - glad that the founders of the Pinkies created a space where they could be themselves but angry at how many of both previous and current members suffer as a result

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