Aud stuff


Misty evening, Kilmacolm

Somehow a day that had very little planned turned into bedlam! Gym in the morning, H didn't show up but an hour on the bike then some abs and a mooch about the steam room followed by almost my bodyweight in pancakes at Tribeca. Home for some domeestic drudgery then off to see my Mum. A change of plan saw us head to Moyra Jane's for coffee and cake and an unexpected guest. Suddenyl it was time to head back home and get chanegd for a night out in 29 with F, G, L and JT for a comined birthday celebration. The mist over the village when we got home was amazing, so straight out onto the deck with camera and tripod. Quite pleased with the results!

Off to work for a rest tomorrow. Oh, wait, that's not going to happen; conference all day and I'm speaking and facilitating. I will need to pay attention then!

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