The Eyes have It

I can't remember what it's like to be 12 years old but i'm quite glad I'm not 12 now. I'm not sure  could cope with such momentous issues as having eyebrows which are apparently different colours. 
This hideous deformity causes an awful lot of stress for poor Poppy, despite the fact that no one else can see what she's talking about.
Anyway, I was allowed to blip one eye and one eyebrow.
Think yourselves lucky if you have 2 eyebrows which match. 
Extra is a mono shot just because I liked it.
A fairly quiet day of unpacking and washing and watching crappy TV.
Speaking of which, tonight's TOWIE (my no.1 guilty pleasure) was partly filmed in our friend's Barber Shop in Loughton. Being a huge TOWIE fan, I was intending to go along on the day and be a sad hanger-on but it was the day before we went away and I had too much to do. I'll be glued to the screen with interest tonight.

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