A birthday to remember

Despite the fact it was Mrs Smith’s birthday she was up at 6am. She was worried about Ruby as her closest university pal was very ill. So, she set off to surprise her and offer her support today.

Ruby, however, had decided to travel down to surprise her Mum on her birthday and had arrived in Edinburgh late last night and was staying with friends.

Ruby got a shock when she woke up to a string of messages trying to track her down.

So, Mrs S had a quick breakfast in St Andrews then set off back home. And I picked up Ruby from the station.

At least we all managed a rare family Sunday lunch and some Laurel and Hardy before I had to take Ruby back to the station. She was getting picked up in Cupar by her friends parents and then on to the hospital.

There were a few tears and a lot of laughs. As I said, it is a sign of how much they love and support each other. Even if they are lovable numpties.

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